Psalm 21:7  
We will not be shaken!
     If prayer springs from need, then praise must follow deliverance. King David had learned that the amazing victories and successes granted him were not of his own doing. Whilst many had fallen at his side, whilst many had doubted his purpose and chances of prevailing, he had trusted in the Lord. The love of God Almighty had preserved and kept him and that was foremost in his mind as he wrote this beautiful song.  As we look at the suffering and the trials of the Lord Jesus we realise that He too, trusted in God Almighty. This was not trust in a creed or a set of beliefs, it was more than that, it was a deep emotional trust founded on a relationship that had never failed or waned. Jesus knew in the very depths of His being that His Father loved Him and therefore He would not be shaken.  It says much about the Father’s love, to be able to affirm that it is bigger and greater than all circumstances, even the dreadful anguish of crucifixion! 
Let us take this thought into whatever circumstances we are in right now; say it out loud,  “God the Father loves me. That is a bigger deal than anything I am facing therefore I will not be shaken because whatever happens He will prevail in my life and preserve me for future glory.”


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