Psalm 21:6  
The party has started
     Unending blessings eh? Well, the commentators argue about this one! Does it mean that the value of God’s blessings never fade – they last forever ,or does it mean those who know God will go on being blessed – forever? Or, better still, does it mean both? All I can say is this. Because I know the Lord my God, the only true God, I am blessed for ever and ever and ever! And to think that an ordinary country boy like me can draw near to the Almighty One and instead of fear of judgement and rejection I find the joy of acceptance. There is such joy in His presence, it cannot be explained. Neither can we explain what it means to be granted the favour of His presence, for once we have this all other blessings flow from it. Just think, today God Almighty grants you access, He requests your presence before Him and He calls you His child. 
How can we begin to grasp how it must have felt for the Lord Jesus, as He approached the throne of heaven after the misery and pain of His earthy trials, to be greeted with outstretched arms and to hear the Father say, “Well done. Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”? Hebrews 1:13. What joy, what celebration, what music and singing. The party has never ended and believe it or not, we have been invited. Is it in your Diary? Hallelujah! 


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