Psalm 21:4 
He asked for life!!    
   What a statement now confronts us. “He asked You for life, and You gave it to Him – length of days, for ever and ever.” Remember that this Psalm is giving us a prophetic insight into the thoughts and words of the Lord Jesus as He faced His suffering and what lay beyond it. Jesus asked for life! As He wept and pleaded in the Garden of Gethsemane His prayer included the request that He might live. As He cried out on Calvary’s cruel cross, “Father into Your hands, I commit my Spirit,” He was trusting that Father would grant His request for life. As He breathed His last breath and let go of physical life, it was in anticipation that heaven would answer and that He would indeed be raised again on the third day as He had promised. 
Almighty God did not abandon His Son to the grave; at the appointed time, somewhere in the early hours of that Resurrection Morning, the bruised and battered corpse breathed again, and Jesus our Lord emerged from the stone-cold tomb! God the Father granted His request for life, for ever and ever. This was not just for 40 days on earth, or even for the lifetime of the planet – His life is eternal, our Lord Jesus Christ will never die!  He lives! He lives and He will always live and so we too share in His hope and are certain that we will be granted eternal life. – with Him! 
I wrote this last Autumn guys and it coincides with today – Easter Sunday morning – you couldn’t make it up, could you? Hallelujah! 


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