Psalm 21:2  
The heart's desire
        I wonder what David’s heart’s desire was? Peace and security in the land? Peace in the royal family? The development of plans for the Temple in Jerusalem? Military victories? Somehow, as you read his writings, you get a sense that David longed for more than all of this.  He was grateful, of course, for all his earthly success, but there is the poignant longing in the Psalms of a man who wanted peace with God. And that peace comes when the battles of Psalm 20 are won, and the weary soldier may rest in the presence of the Lord and give thanks for His deliverance. 
Our dear Lord Jesus fought the good fight, battled against demons and evil powers, faced the enemies of God and, with His help, won a great victory at the cross. But He desired to live, not to remain festering in a borrowed grave. His heart’s desire was to return to the throne room of God, as we saw in v1, and stand at His Father’s side and let the great cry of Calvary echo through the corridors of heaven, “It is finished!”
Isaiah prophesied, “After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied ….. therefore, I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong.” (Selah – stop and think.) Is it not amazing to think that while the suffering of Jesus enveloped Him in increasing intensity, His desire, His longing was to endure, even unto death? While He endured, His heart was fixed on what lay beyond, the return to glory, the “Well done” of the Father and then, the joy of sharing His spoils with His people. That’s you and me folks. That was His heart’s desire!  What a thought for a Good Friday morning here on 10th April 2020. Hallelujah!


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