Psalm 21:10-11    
He judges the nations!
     The judgement of God is not just a personal thing, it is all embracing and all enveloping. These verses tell us a lot more about the extent of the judgement of God against sinners. One version translates v10 as follows, “You will destroy their fruit from the earth and their seed from among the children of men.” The judgement reaches out to material wealth, possessions and status in the community and it also affects human descendants. This is a fearful thing and not to be scoffed at. When God passes judgement, He does a proper job!
The background to the Psalm has been the suffering and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. If we think that the Psalm writer is exaggerating somewhat, then think again. The men who judged and murdered the Son of God came from Israel and Italy. They were part of two ancient, thriving civilisations that lost all of their status, wealth and inheritance after the time of Christ. Thought-provoking isn’t it? It is also interesting to note that one of these represents the ancient faith before Christ and the other has dominated Christendom since Christ. Both are religions that major on ceremony, ritual and rules and do not acknowledge Jesus as the only way to God and the head of the body of believers on earth.
Back in the day, evil men plotted evil against the Lord Jesus, O how they plotted! The schemes and plans that were discussed to try to shut Him up but, true to the Word, they did not succeed, they cannot succeed. No one who rejects, or who confronts the living God and makes Him their enemy can ever succeed. 


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