Psalm 21:1  
Joy unspeakable
      What a song of joy this is, following on from Psalm 20 it celebrates the victories and ascendance of the king. No doubt, it was written to salute King David’s own triumphs BUT we will take it into the spiritual realm and read it as a celebration of the victory and exaltation of our King – King Jeshua, the Messiah, Jesus Christ the Lord.

V1        What an opening! Our King, Jesus, rejoices in the strength of the Father and His joy knows no bounds as He recognises that all of His victories come from the Lord Most High. The life of Jesus on earth was not full of much joy was it? Long hours, demanding crowds, dull-witted disciples and the anger of the authorities were faced every day and then, always before Him, was the shadow of the cross.  A shadow that lengthened and darkened His path as the weeks and months passed. And yet we read, in Hebrews 12:2, “For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Joy is a curious word for it is very different from happiness, happiness is a state of contentment brought about by circumstances or inner wellbeing. Joy comes from without, it is a spiritual experience that visits us and lifts us to a higher place. It can be unheralded, deeply emotional and best of all rooted in the Father’s love for us. Joy in this verse is heavenly, it is joy that comes from God’s intervention and support, joy that accompanies spiritual victories and deliverance from the threat of enemies. May such joy touch our lives this day. Hallelujah!


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