Psalm 20:9   
Give victory to the king.
       Who is the King? “My King is Jesus.” Who is your King? May God give Him victory. A victory that is promised, that is prophesied, that is declared from heaven, that is written in the Scriptures. May He ride valiantly to the rescue of this world and claim victory over all His enemies. What a day that will be and when you think about it, who else can we hope in? Who else can defeat sin and death and the Satan? Only Jesus, only He can do this.
And so to the last plaintive cry of the Psalm writer who was himself an earthly king; “Answer us when we call.” This is not the polite prayer request of “God bless us all” or part of the oft-repeated  liturgical mantras heard in so many churches. This is the heart cry of the beleaguered soldier awaiting the coming King. And He is coming!

Oh Lord, this world is so full of darkness and despair. We cry out to You for help and for hope. Surrounded by lies and darkness, we cling to Your light and Your truth, please grant us Your support. Give us victory over sin and death and sickness and evil powers. We will proclaim You and the power of Your right hand; we will press on and stand firm for You are our God and Jesus Christ is our King.  Hallelujah!


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