Psalm 20:7  
Our God is a great big God!
     Oh, isn’t it always the way of men, from the school playground to the heights of Office they boast, “My dad is bigger than your dad.” “My weapons are more powerful than your weapons.” The history of our world has been dominated by nations and rulers who have sought to overcome or suppress their neighbours by the strength of their armoury. The past 70 years have seen the development and stockpiling or weapons that could blow us all sky high in seconds and the most powerful nations are the ones who have the nuclear, chemical and biological ability to threaten and dictate to the rest of us. What a sad indictment of humanity! And who do you think is behind it all? Who has plotted to destroy the beautiful world that our God created? The Satan.
Who made life instead of death? Who promoted love instead of domination and destruction? Who works through grace and mercy rather than bullying and dictatorship? Our God does! Let them trust in the tanks and their guns and their bombs, their satellites and their propaganda but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. It brings tears to your eyes does it not? Our Father represents all that is good, all that is true, all that is beautiful and all that is right and the world hates Him. They prefer their weapons of mass destruction and He prefers a cross! No wonder He tells us, “My ways are not your ways.” What a God! What a Father! What a Saviour to liberate us from all of this mess! “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Hallelujah!


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