Psalm 20:6  
Anointed by God
     This is a declaration of faith based on experience. Sometimes faith demands that we leap into the dark. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as being, “Confident in what we hope for and having assurance about what we do not see.” Saving faith, life-changing faith urges us to embrace the unknown and to move out of our comfort zones into an uncertain future but with the knowledge that the Lord is with us and will not fail us. However, there are times when we reflect on our experience of faith and wonder at how things turned out. Then we can say, “Now I know!” In this instance David has bravely followed the Lord’s leading and faced his enemies with faith, he has prevailed, the battle is won, and his ecstatic heart cry is; “Now I know: The Lord gives victory to His anointed.”
There is no question that David was anointed, not just by Samuel before he became king, but also by the Lord God Almighty. I love the first verse of 1 Samuel 23. “These are the last words of David: “The inspired utterance of David Son of Jesse, the utterance of the man exalted by the Most High, the man anointed by the God of Jacob, the hero of Israel’s songs.” Let us not forget that if we have received the Holy Spirit in power and have been set apart to serve the living God and minister to His people, then we have his anointing. What a privilege to be anointed by God and exalted by the Most High, to be His chosen representatives and be empowered and authorised to carry out His orders. If this is your calling then do not underestimate who you are and what you have been asked to do. 
There is a gentleman living less than half a mile from me who was one of the Corps of the Queen’s Messengers or the “Silver Greyhounds” as they were known. For many years he, as one of a team of 18, travelled the world delivering diplomatic bags and personal letters etc. from the Sovereign, to embassies, heads of state and royalty. He had the full support of His Monarch and her authority and royal mandate as her representative. You and I are able to call, at any time, on the One who sits enthroned in His heavenly sanctuary. The full weight of His authority is behind us when we follow His holy orders. The right hand of God signifies power and influence and inevitable and eternal victory. This is how He views the importance of our calling and our mission.


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