Psalm 20:4  
Hopes and dreams
        This is a much-used verse for it confers a special blessing on individuals and can be passed on to others that they too may enjoy its positive expectations. Who would not want this blessing to become a reality for family and friends and members of the body of Christ?  However, maybe it should not be used too lightly! There comes a point, in the spiritual journey of godly men and women, where their desires change. It is, perhaps, normal for young people to be ambitious and eager to make a difference. When we are young we want to marry the right person, have a family, prosper in our work, have our own home and possessions and be “looked up to” if only for our achievements. These desires are common to all and it is rare to find younger people who have different desires, to honour God, to see His name and His kingdom prosper above all else. It is only when we have either achieved our earthly goals or maybe realised that we are never going to achieve them, that our focus changes. Slowly the truth sinks in, there is a better agenda, a greater cause, a more worthwhile desire and that is the glory and honour of our Father. There is only One God, there is only one cause worth serving, there is but one point to this life and that is the sovereign purpose of our Lord. So, our hopes and longings change, we ask God to thwart the plans and desires of the wicked and we slowly bring ourselves into line with His plans and His desires for us. Our Lord is so patient and gracious, as we surrender our hopes and dreams to Him He amazingly grants us far more than our hearts could ever have desired. Hallelujah! 


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