Psalm 21:12-13  
We will sing and praise your might
    We have encountered the bows of the Lord God before, notably in Psalm 18 where we discovered that He is equipped with two of them. The bow of God’s wrath that shoots arrows at His enemies and the multi-coloured bow of His blessing that fills the sky with promise and points to the heavens. Here, our eyes are drawn again to the bow that is strung and prepared for action. The arrows are pointed at the enemies of God who have plotted evil against Him and who planned to overthrow Him. It seems that it is not God they turn their backs on, but their own plans and their own co-conspirators and now they must face the judgement of an angry God. 
Sin does not pay, atheism does not pay, plotting to outdo and outwit God does not pay. We are nothing, He is all things and those who treat Him like dirt will grovel in the dirt before Him. Just as love is an emotion and a characteristic of God that He has passed on to human being, so righteous anger is part of His character and something that is felt by godly men and women. His enemies will be broken, their power will be destroyed, they will acknowledge Him as Lord and their power and influence will be ruthlessly taken away.
And so, we are back to the beginning of this powerful and frightening Psalm. The Lord Jesus exalted in the strength of His Father. The strength of the Almighty lifted Him out of the grave and raised Him to heaven. The Satan was defeated, and sin and death were overcome, and Jesus lives, and He asks us to join with Him in a song of victory. “We will sing and praise your might, Oh God.” 

A new song from Psalm 21. (Try adding your own tune!)
Be exalted in Your strength, Lord;
We will sing and praise Your might.
How powerful You are, Lord;
You alone can give us life.
You greet us with rich blessings,
For ever You’re the same,
Yours is the splendour and majesty,
Your praises we proclaim.

The King arrives in glory,
Gold crown upon His head,
He revels in Your life, Lord;
You raised Him from the dead!
For the victories You gave Lord,
Our praises we will bring,
You have granted unending blessings,
In your presence we will sing. 

Your enemies will tremble
For against You they conspire,
When You appear for battle
You will swallow them with fire.
Destruction will pursue them
They never can succeed,
You will raise your bow and arrows
And destroy their wicked schemes.

All praise and glory
All praise and glory
All praise and glory
Be to Your Holy Name.

Be exalted in Your strength, Lord;
We will sing and praise Your might.
How powerful You are, Lord;
You alone can give us life.
You greet us with rich blessings,
For ever You’re the same,
Yours is the splendour and majesty,
Your praises we proclaim.


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