A few of you have followed this Blog on a daily basis for a long time and thank you for your faithfulness. If you are viewing for the first time let me explain what we are doing. The plan is to go through the Psalms verse by verse, on a daily basis. Most days you will need to look up the verse before you read my commentary, that's so you don't get lazy and I would rather that you read the Bible than my comments anyway! 
The Blog is not a review of current events, although we may refer to them of course; the intention is to dig deeper into God's Word and to try to uncover its meaning and relevance. We are seeking to understand the spiritual truth that lies hidden and then to apply it to our lives. If there are bits you don't understand then take time out to think about the verse each day and ask God to speak to you through it. If you get something good please pass it on as a comment. When I get excited about something I've read you will know, because there is always a "Hallelujah!"
God bless you and may the Holy Spirit help you to grow in Him in these dark days. 


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