Psalm 20:2a  
I will support you
     Secondly, and following on from yesterday, we can expect support from Zion. In ancient times this was, of course, the holy mountain and the temple in Jerusalem. This is but an earthly replica of God’s heavenly throne from which seat of absolute power and authority He rules the world. Thus, there is nothing about us that He does not know, there is no help that is beyond Him and there is no force that can stand against Him. “If God is for us,” writes Paul, “Who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. To gain a hint of the glory of this heavenly Zion have a read of Hebrews 12:22-24. 
So, let us be strong and resolute in battle, let us not give up, let us be absolutely assured that the full extent of the resources of our Father are available at all times and we will prevail and see victory! The enemy is strong, cunning and resolute, he never admits defeat and his most common tactic is to make us doubt God. “Did God really say?” he asks.  Yes, God really did say, “I will send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.” And it is impossible for God to lie! What an army this is! Hallelujah. 


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