Psalm 20:2   
Equipped for battle
     There are times, in military conflicts, where armies, platoons and individuals all have to wait for reinforcements. Their numbers are depleted, their weapons have been destroyed, there is no more ammunition, all they can do is wait and hope for help to come. This verse literally says, “No matter where the battle is, he is with you to bring whatever is needed.” There is no shortage of weaponry, no long delays in the supply chain, no hoping for a bit of relief – maybe! Our God is with us, the Captain of our Salvation never leaves us and His armoury is never run down. There are two sources of support mentioned here – the Sanctuary and Zion. Firstly, the Sanctuary. In pre-temple days this was the tabernacle and its contents, its outer court and surrounding fence, the entire sacred meeting place where the presence of the living God dwelt. Sanctuary means a consecrated place, set apart for the Lord. The term later referred to the Temple and its Holy of Holies where God lived amongst His people. David is therefore eager to remind us that when we are in the heat of battle, when enemy forces surround us, we have divine support, there is a direct line into the heart of the presence of Almighty God and He sends us His help. God is not aloof from His children; He is with us in the dust and heat of the conflict. The Sanctuary was never placed away from the people, it was always at the very centre of the nation. God is not remote from us, He is at the heart of all that we do, wherever we are. Hallelujah!


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