Psalm 20:1b  
We are conquerors
     The verse literally says, “The name of the God of Jacob defends you!” Come on, this is brilliant news. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel; so the God who has protected and kept that ancient nation is with us. He will protect us. God Almighty, the Sovereign King of the universe is for us, He is around us, He will never fail us. He will guard us, guide us and cover us with His wings. His name is so powerful that there is nothing on earth or in heaven that can stand against Him! What have we to fear? All we have to do is trust Him and follow Him and He will keep us from evil and from defeat. This is the reassurance that we with us take into the battle. And there is a battle raging around us, around the world today! But there is also a battle within, a battle where the enemy offensive sows doubt and fear and self-pity. Do not look down, look up. Do not anticipate an overthrow but expect a victory. Do not be overwhelmed by the size and might of the enemy but stand strong in the strength of the divine Conqueror who fights with you and for you. Whatever may be happening to us or around us right now, we can trust in the Name that protects us. Let us get our armour on and stand and fight! Charles Wesley put it like this: -

Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put your armour on,
Strong in the strength which God supplies, through His eternal Son;
Strong in the Lord of Hosts, and in His mighty power,
Who in the strength of Jesus trusts is more than conqueror.


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