Psalm 19:7-9a    
The Sun and the Word
     At first glance here there seems to be a complete change of direction in the Psalm. One minute, David is waxing lyrical about the heavens and the sun and the glory of the created spheres, now he suddenly switches his attention to the virtues of the law! Let’s remember that the Lord God Almighty had revealed Himself in two ways to ancient peoples. Firstly through creation and secondly through the written Scriptures. In our era we can add that He has also made Himself known through His Son Jesus Christ who is the Word and also the upholder of creation.

There is another amazing parallel between the opening verses and what now follows. Verses 1-6 reveal the glory of the sun and the celestial bodies that give light to the physical man. David is now about to reveal the glory of God’s Word and its many facets that give light to the spiritual man. Both are revelations of God Almighty, both are the provision of illumination to those who seek the light. Hence, Jesus is the Creator of light who also is the Word of light. “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world,” writes John in the opening chapter of his Gospel.

So, this is a Psalm about God’s revelation of His being and it is reasonable to go to the law next although for “law” read, teaching or TORAH. Remember, that the only Scripture available to David and his contemporaries were the books of Moses. They would of course have known the history of Israel and the words of the prophet Samuel were still ringing in their ears! However, there was nothing more sacred, more precious or more godly, than the text of the Torah, the books of Moses, the first five books of our Bible. This teaching was perfection because it brought men and women into relationship with God and in so doing, revealed His moral righteousness. When the teaching of the Lord is imbibed, our souls are refreshed, we are restored back to what we are created to be, people who are in fellowship with their Creator. 


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