Psalm 19:5-6    
Thank you Sun
       “The sun is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course.”  We can imagine David frantically straining his imagination to find words to describe the sun as it rises in its glory at the start of the day. He comes up with two allegories, both intensely masculine and highly descriptive. This tent that God has pitched in the heavens is the honeymoon suite where the bridegroom has retired with his bride to consummate their marriage. In Jewish culture the Marriage Ceremony was followed by the consummation which, once accomplished, would be acclaimed by all present and which signalled the beginning of the marriage supper and the days of celebration that followed. Thus, the declaration by the bridegroom that all is well was a joyful moment of relief and the festivities could begin! 
In a similar manner, a muscular athlete might be hailed by crowds as he prepared to run his race knowing that he was unbeatable and that certain glory awaited him. Even if Sporting Festivals had not yet been inaugurated there would still have been competitions and notoriety in being “the best”. So, the sun bursts forth at the dawn of the day, flushed with new energy and life, bursting with intensity and radiance, joyful and eager to begin its trajectory across the heavens in celebration of all that is light and truth.  Each morning its course begins, from East to West it goes, from one nation and continent to the next and nothing is deprived of its warmth as it continues its orbit across the sky. In truth, of course, it is the earth that turns and travels around the sun, but the sun still remains the reference point that lights and heats the distant corners of our planet every 24 hours. How creative, marvellous and amazing is our solar system?  How comforting to know that it is not a coincidental, cosmic accident but a beautiful and highly complex system created by an extraordinary God. My God. Your God. Our Father, the giver of light and life. 


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