Psalm 19:13   
May they not rule over me
     It’s interesting that David speaks of his hidden sins first, before turning his attention to wilful sin. You know what I mean don’t you? That so-called weakness, that hidden desire, those carefully concealed thoughts that no one else suspects. Sometimes wilful sin is more visible, addictions for instance are very hard to cover up. We all have something in our lives that we know dishonours the Lord, but we cannot give it up. Our conscience rails against this sin and we know that pampering to its lures is displeasing to God but somehow, the temptation is too much. If we are not careful, these things will own us or, as David puts it, “Rule over us”. 
Let’s be frank here, the Satan knows our weaknesses and he will exploit them to the full. How many of us have heard sermons about the battle against the world, the flesh and the devil? All of these influences extend their spiritually-stifling tentacles into our private space and greedily seek to lure us into theirs! The solutions to this dilemma are many, keep your eyes and ears from worldly influences that you know will pull you under. Take control of your body and give God time, every day, to fill your thoughts with His Word and His truth so that you have at least some armour to protect you. Don’t give the enemy a foothold, resist Him, tell him where to go, in the name of Jesus Christ. Remember who you belong to, who gave up everything for you, who loves you and longs for intimate fellowship. This is impossible while you keep pandering to the enemy.
Why do we need to do all of this? What is the outcome of winning this personal war? It is to live a blameless life before the Lord, to be innocent of great transgression. In such a state of peaceful co-existence we are enabled to enjoy sweet fellowship with the Creator and thus a sense of wellbeing in His presence. From that place of close relationship, we are able to face the world, the flesh and the devil knowing that they have no hold over us. What a joy that is! What peace we have found! This is our destiny and our privilege! This is our rest in a troubled world. “Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.”Hebrews 4:11. 


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