Psalm 19:12 “But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults.” Having extolled the virtues of God’s laws, statutes, precepts, commands and decrees David is struck, like so many of us, by the thought that he might have transgressed them! Wilful sin is one thing, as we shall see in verse 13, but what about the hidden sins, the sins of omission, the times when we have broken the commands without even realising? In David’s day this could include touching something that was ceremonially unclean, (that has echoes of our present crisis doesn’t it?) such as an animal carcass or human excrement, and it could include a careless swear word. Later awareness of such sin would prompt a sacrificial offering for forgiveness and, of course, the Day of Atonement was set aside annually for the removal of all sin, known and unknown. After the High Priest had made the all-inclusive offerings on that day, for maybe a few hours or only minutes, each Israelite could look at his neighbour and say, “All my sins are covered, I am free of sin before Almighty God.” A great feeling no doubt, but you and I are able to enjoy this privileged status every day, not just once a year! In our time, we confess our sin and seek forgiveness but maybe, like David, we should ask God to forgive our hidden sins, for there will be many occasions when we think, say and do things that spoil our relationship with Him and that grieve the Holy Spirit. Let’s keep our “sin accounts” empty, for what use is the finished work of Christ if we still carry the burden of our transgressions? John puts it like this in 1 John 1:8-9. “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Thank God that the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ and the shedding of His blood, takes away all sin for all time so that we are pure and holy in the Father’s sight. Hallelujah!
Psalm 106:13
Psalm 106:13 Do not forget We need to remember that Israel’s relationship with the Lord God was based on His laws and their obedience. It was possible for them to live lives that were highly blessed, that incorporated the provision of God in every tiny detail of their national and individual existence. God was prepared to give them everything they needed, He would provide food and water for them and their flocks. He would guide them on their journey. He would protect them from their enemies. He would inspire and direct their leaders. He would keep them from the heat of the sun and the terrors of the desert night. He would take them to the land that He had promised, in double quick time. There was no reason why they could not be in situ in just a few months. Everything they could possibly need was His to provide and He was willing to sacrifice anything to see them gratefully settled in Canaan. There was just one snag, it all depended upon their obedience and faithfulness. God insis...
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