Psalm 19:10b   
Sweeter than honey
        It is one thing to liken God’s laws and commands to gold but quite another to speak of them in the same breath as honey! Honey was and is abundant in Israel; at a time when sugar cane and sugar beet were unheard of, the most common sweetener available was produced by bees. David is not the only writer in the Scriptures to use honey as an allegory for something spiritual. Whoever wrote Psalm 119, says in verse 103, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my taste.”  Solomon, in his love song to his bride, says, “Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue.” And Ezekiel was ordered by God to eat a scroll that contained words of lament and mourning and woe! He records in Ezekiel 3:3, “So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.” 
Because these words of Almighty God are 100% truth and purity and holiness; because they come from heaven and are divinely inspired, and because they always reflect the heart of a gracious, patient and loving God, even when He is predicting woes; they taste like honey to us mere mortals. Heaven touches earth through God’s words, the human heart is inspired, our souls resonate with delight and our spirits are set on fire with devotion and awe. Such is the power of the word of the Lord, to hear those words, to discern His voice speaking and to understand is absolute joy. So much so, even our taste buds are overwhelmed! Such are the words of Psalm 19 that we are studying together, take a moment to taste them, to consider who is writing them to you and what a privilege it is to hear and understand what He is saying. Hallelujah!


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