Psalm 19:1
“The heavens declare the glory of God!”  
     I do not pretend to be a wordsmith and I am not a Bible translator either!  Hence, this opening salvo from the pen of David, in Psalm 19, whilst being a cause for debate amongst some, should be a simple exclamation of praise for us. There are many Hebrews words that describe different aspects of the heavens, but for us the simple truth is that we can look up into the sky at any time of the day or night and, so long as it’s not foggy, we will be amazed at the infinite glory of God. The vast cloud formations, the intense depth of an azure summer sky, the millions of twinkling stars on a clear night, the beauty of the face of the moon at its brightest; all of these promote the glory of Almighty God. His eternal power, His vastness, His attention to detail, His comforting presence, His warmth and His light-providing are just some of the facets of His being that are visible in the heavens. 
The skies, which could simply mean the atmosphere between the earth and outer space, also shout out in cosmological languages, “Look how glorious God is!” David sees the intimate and intricate working of the hands of His God weaving together the sun, moon, stars and skies into an embroidered canopy that soars above us, vast and spacious and yet filled with beautiful detail. How glorious is our Creator, how clever and how immense He is!  Hallelujah! This is God showing us Himself in all His creative beauty and we should be amazed and in awe


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