Psalm 18:49 
Kee.....p praising!    
It is in the light of all that has unfolded in this Psalm that we can now stand back and survey all that God has done and is doing, all that He has said, all the protection, love and care He has poured over us and exclaim, “Therefore I will praise You Lord, among the nations.” What else can we do? If we are aware of His grace, His constant love and detailed care, how blessed we are, how wonderful He is, how extraordinary this life that we live with Him.  All the demons of hell may be stacked against us but we remain, guarded and kept by the all-powerful One, our Conqueror and our King, mighty and strong. Mightier than all our foes, His daily delight is to lavish care on His people and to ensure our safe passage through the dark tunnels of this world until He calls us home to His eternal light. We will praise You Lord! We will praise You amongst all peoples – praise be to Your Holy name. How secure we are, how strong are the buttresses of Your fortress, how great is the armour that surrounds us, how confident we can be in You, Oh Lord, our rock cliff, our defender. Who can harm us? Who can stand against us? Who can compare with You? Praise be to Your name.
It is not just the name that we praise, as we saw in Psalm 5, the name is synonymous with the person. Everything about God is encompassed by His name, He alone is God. When David wrote about praising the Lord among the nations, he literally meant the Gentiles, a point that Paul is quick to make in Romans 15:9. So it is, that on this day, the praises of an Israelite King, written 1,000BC are being echoed by Gentile believers 3,000 years later. His God is our God, He is my God and nothing about Him has changed! We too, will sing the praises of His name among the peoples of our day. Hallelujah! 


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