Psalm 18:48  
You exalted me!
       Our God saves us from our enemies, He is no feeble idol of stone, wood, metal or plastic. He is no mystical deity although He is shrouded in mystery. He is not remote or beyond reach; He does not distance Himself from His children, instead He commands us to draw near! This is our God, alive and well and watching over us every moment of every day and this verse tells me, “He saves me from my enemies.” Just as Shadrach, Meshak and Abednego believed that God would save them from the flames and searing heat of a fiery furnace so David believed that he would be saved from all of his enemies.  All of his enemies. God will save us from ALL of our enemies. Indeed, He will go one step further and exalt us over our foes! He lifts us up, he raises our standing and our reputation. He fills us with confidence in Him and all those abusers and bullies are left trailing in our wake for we follow the living God, the most powerful name in heaven and on earth. No one can stand against Him!
The Satan knows all of this; he has tried to outwit and over-power God’s people for centuries. He has tried it with Israel and, over the last 2,000 years, with the church. The Dark Ages were his idea and yet the Scriptures survived and God’s people prevailed. This age in which we live is as dark as any, the end of life ,as we know it, is very near and yet God’s Word and His People are not afraid, nor are they defeated because the Lord Himself has exalted those who truly believe, above their foes. The Satan is the violent man who would snuff us out and remove our influence, he would thwart all of God’s purposes but, hey, we’re still here, we’re still praising the Lord and trusting in the power of His Gospel and His Holy Spirit. Yes, we have been exalted above our foes. Whatever happens, our God has rescued, is rescuing and will rescue us from the man of violence. He will be with us always and therefore nothing can stop us or harm us.  Hallelujah!


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