Psalm 18:47  
Our God the Avenger
        Moses' song in Deuteronomy 32 is filled with condemnation of the foolishness and waywardness of Jeshurun – Israel, but it also highlights the faithfulness of God who will vindicate His people. “It is mine to avenge; I will repay v35.” “The Lord will vindicate His people and relent concerning His servants when He sees their strength is gone and no one is left, slave or free.” V36.
David claims no credit for the victories that have been won in his time, by his armies; remarkably he names God Almighty as his Avenger. In other words, revenge was taken against all those who had wronged David and his family and who had wished harm on Israel, but David gives God the credit for righting these wrongs and subduing the oppressive nations that had risen up against him. 
It would be easy to attribute these sentiments to a by-gone age, to the military conflicts of Old Testament warriors, to the time when conquering and retaining the Promised Land required an army and a soldier-king. However, Paul uses the same words in Romans 12:19, to advise Christian believers against taking revenge. “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. Isn’t it amazing to know that the same God who protected, guarded and gave victory to our hero king 1,000 years before Christ is still looking after His people; He will avenge you and I in the same way that he avenged King David, indeed, as Moses had discovered, He would subdue whole nations if necessary, in order to protect His children. That’s me! That’s you! That is how important we are to Him. If you have been plotting and scheming the downfall or harm of an enemy who has hurt you or your reputation; an abuser, a gossip, a dominant tyrant or a sly cheat; whoever that person may be, you don’t need to plot and scheme any longer. If you, a child of Almighty God have been wronged, whatever form that wrong may have taken, your Heavenly Father will avenge you. That is His promise and His word cannot be broken. Hallelujah!


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