Psalm 18:34e  
Helmet of salvation   
God’s response to abuse, injustice, evil, wickedness and sin is always salvation. Salvation is a gift that liberates prisoners, creates justice, removes fear and gloom and imparts hope and life in place of death. It is a vital part of God’s strategy for a fallen human race and it has to be our goal when dealing with our fellow men. Salvation from God sets people free and allows them to find their potential; it is to be worn as a form of protection, but it is also a proactive weapon against Satan’s control of mankind. Any Spirit-empowered believer wearing the helmet of salvation becomes a potent force for good in a world of darkness and despair. With the helmet in place our minds are guarded and we are able to withstand the deadliest foe. So the helmet-wearing believer may say: -
·      “Shipwrecks, huh I’m not scared, the Lord God is my salvation.
·      Imprisonment, I’m not afraid, God will deliver me.
·      Famine and hardship, I will not fear for my head tells me that the Lord God saves.
·      Ill health, yes He will save me, even death cannot harm me, the Lord saves.”
These words are easy to say and write but there are so many who have worn their helmets in impossible situations and they have seen God’s salvation at work. Salvation is God’s great gift to mankind and through Jesus Christ our Lord we are saved and we are safe. 


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