Psalm 18:43b-45 
    What a series of scenarios has been presented to us in this Psalm. David has wrestled with death. He has wrestled with himself. He has faced the conflict of betrayal in his own family and from his own people. He has gone out as the warrior king and destroyed the pagan, wicked nations that inhabited the land. And now there is yet another potential threat – foreigners! These are individuals and groups who have come into Israel, they cannot be annihilated, and they are not part of the area of conquest, these are visitors or potential residents from other lands but who do not belong. To David’s surprise and relief, it seems, these aliens do not cause trouble or question his leadership, instead they serve him and obey him. Indeed, they lose heart or courage and come trembling before him.
It’s impossible to not be drawn back to that synagogue in Capernaum mentioned in the context of verse 41, where Jesus had an evil spirit cowering with fear simply because of His presence in that place! Again and again the Gospels tell of His compelling authority and power so that everywhere He went it seems that demons were exposed and took flight or whimpered before Him. Jesus, in spiritual terms, like David, wrestled with death and faced conflict from His own people. Jesus was the warrior King who fought the pagan nations that had inhabited the land, primarily Greeks and Romans, and He too drove out the “foreigners” that came creeping from their strongholds. Praise be to our God, He was too strong for any of them and He is our victory and our Warrior King. 
So, we too, in the power of His name, have been given authority over the “foreigners” and we don’t have to go hunting for them! If Jesus is present amongst His people the aliens will not be able to stand, they will be exposed and can be removed. Thank You Lord!


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