Psalm 18:43a  
Victory in the end
   David’s journey had been fraught with danger, disappointment, death and despair as he had battled with himself, with his spiritual foes, with pagan nations and even with his own family and people. During the reign of King Saul, few had sworn allegiance to young David the Pretender, and he must have questioned the wisdom of God’s calling as he watched the people gullibly follow their chosen monarch. The allegiance of the masses is often short-lived and so it had proved during Absalom’s rebellion when David had fled Jerusalem and the royal throne in fear for his life. But, this striving with his own people had now come to an end, the Lord God had delivered him and brought peace. 
It is true for us too that while there is indeed a spiritual element to all the battles we face, too often we find ourselves battling with those who are close to us. Politicians face this kind of treachery all of the time, but it is prevalent in churches as well. Whisperings and murmurings turn into insolence and schemes. People get braver and they start to question authority and plan their little rebellions. The true leader, the chosen and anointed man and woman of God, must expect this and there are times when leadership can be very lonely.
David prevailed, so much so that his kingdom had expanded and now he was the head of nations. 2 Samuel 8 sets out in some detail the extent of his victories and the nations who came under his authority. God will expand the territorial influence of those who are prepared to fight for His righteous cause, their boundary lines will increase. The missionary fervour of men like the Apostle Paul is no different to the military conquests of David or the endeavours of modern church planters. If we are prepared to battle through and keep trusting the Lord, we will see His kingdom grow. 


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