Psalm 18:40  
Liable to destruction
      Images of a savage warrior, armed to the teeth, pursuing his enemies with spine chilling cries are the stuff of novelists and comic heroes. It would be tempting to see King David in such a light, a mighty man of valour indeed, muscles rippling, sword flashing, a snarl on his lips and a look of gruesome determination in his eyes. This Israelite King is a warrior, his enemies take one look and flee in utter terror!
The reality, it seems, is rather different. This verse has echoes of the Lord’s words to Joshua whose army had just been routed by the men of the city of Ai. Unknown to Joshua there was sin in the camp, one of his soldiers, called Achan, had helped himself to some of the spoils from the defeat of Jericho. The valuables were devoted to the Lord and intended for His treasury, thus anyone who kept some of them had stolen that which was devoted to God. Achan had hidden, under the ground in his tent, a beautiful robe from Babylonia, two hundred shekels of silver and a bar of gold weighing fifty shekels. These are the words of the Lord to Joshua who had been ignorant of Achan’s sin, “This is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies; they turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.” Joshua 7:12. 
David, along with Joshua, has learned that his enemies have been made “liable to destruction”, that is why they turned their backs and ran – it was the Lord’s doing! David cannot claim credit for his victories for they were authorised in heaven before he even drew his sword.
We know that our enemies are “liable for destruction”. Jesus drove evil spirits into pigs and then into the Sea. Best of all He conquered His enemies at the cross and while they still operate in the world and against the church; they are ultimately “liable to destruction.” Their end is already predicted and they cannot win, they are not greater than us and they cannot ever thwart the purposes of our God who will one day utterly destroy them. “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 2:15. Please take that on board today, everything that is against you in your spiritual life, every power, every spiritual enemy is liable to destruction, they can be destroyed, the sword of God’s wrath hangs over them. Their weapons have been annulled at the cross, much of what they throw at us is blunt and powerless. As usual, the Satan is using smoke and mirrors to intimidate and we can rest easy that our God can and will annihilate every one of them. 


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