Psalm 18:37  
Pursue your enemies!  
  Much of what we have read and discussed thus far has been concerned with the defensive operations of the Christian soldier. Yes, we have the sword of the Spirit and the power of prayer, but the battle often seems relentless and we feel like we are not really gaining ground. If that is your experience, take heart from David’s comments here, there is a time to pursue the enemy and to take the land! These observations of our mentor King are founded in the instructions given through Moses to the Israelites in the Book of Leviticus 26:6-8. “I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid. I will remove wild beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country. You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before you. Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.” 
Never forget, whilst David’s enemies were the pagan tribes and nations that physically occupied the Promised Land, our enemies are the spiritual forces that have occupied our communities, our families and even our churches. Our sword is not a gleaming blade of steel but it is the Word of God. The Lord God has in mind to give us peace from the Satan’s forces, to give us boldness in the face of the enemy. The wild demonic beasts that have so troubled us will be removed and it is the Word of God that will defeat them. Huge armies of enemy spirits will be driven back by a small number of the faithful and peace will come. 
·      Are you troubled in your private life or your family by disruptive and frightening people?
·      Is your church controlled by someone who is critical and judgemental and a constant thorn in the side?
·      Are there folk who you try to befriend but who always put you in your place, make you feel small and uncomfortable – even Christians?
·      Are there people you work with or constantly meet in your social life who cause nothing but trouble – deliberately?

The Satan can manifest himself in a variety of guises; so we must seek the Word, discover what God is saying about our situation and begin to pray the disruptive forces out of our lives. Do not give up until they are destroyed, drive them out. It may take time but you must clear the land if you are to be at peace.


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