Psalm 18:34c  
Good shoes!
    Our wardrobe is starting to come together. We have the belt of absolute truth. Our breastplate of righteous character is firmly affixed. Now, what to wear on our feet? In Israel the ancients ran bare-footed but under Roman rule they had begun to discover the benefits of good shoes! Feet need to be ready for action, you don’t go mountain climbing in carpet slippers or high heels. The footwear needs to be appropriate and, in this war, the most appropriate boots are described as the gospel of peace. Many commentators interpret the gospel of peace to be the Good News of salvation but I am not so sure that this is the context of Paul’s writing. He is not talking about my relationship with others, the needs of my fellow men or the powerful message that we are to proclaim.  Rather, he envisages a soldier privately preparing himself for battle and pulling from his wardrobe the clothing that will be needed to fight during that day. That soldier needs to be at peace with himself, his fellow warriors but, most importantly, with the Captain of the Army.  God’s peace is an extraordinary gift and if we can face the conflict ahead with the gospel of God’s peace reigning in our hearts, we will be steadfast and true in the heat of the battle. Peace means that we have no fear of the enemy or the consequences of the action, we trust the Commander completely, we know that whatever happens we will win the war. If things appear to be going against us we still trust that, in the end, all will be well. That peace adds resolution and strength to our cause for absolute peace comes from absolute faith. 


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