Psalm 18:34b  
Breastplate of righteousness
     As He trains my hands for battle, my heavenly Father exhorts me to protect my heart and my lungs with His breastplate of righteousness. The most vulnerable and essential organs of my being need to be especially protected from enemy arrows. In Isaiah 59:17 we discover that this is indeed God’s armour for He also wears the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation. We should not be surprised; our God is holy, His deeds and words and thoughts are holy; His character is in stark contrast to His enemy who speaks lies and who is hell-bent on destruction. God is pure. Light shines from His very being, He cleanses and makes whole, He restores and washes and renews. Everything He is, speaks of righteousness, virtue and blamelessness. He is the source of all that is good. As soldiers wearing His armour we are untouchable, for though men may attack us with earthly weapons we cannot be destroyed by our spiritual foes, for their weapons can never prevail over righteousness. The tabernacle in the wilderness, the centre of the faith of the Children of Israel, was surrounded by a white, linen curtain 71/2 feet high. The curtain was a symbol of righteousness and it said to outsiders – KEEP OUT. Righteousness protects and guards us, it says to the enemy – KEEP OUT. 


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