Psalm 18:34a   
Belt of truth
   The first influential item from God’s armoury is the belt of truth. The world is in spiritual darkness; lies bind every individual, marriage, family, community, nation and continent. Lies are told in every book we read, lies are believed in every area of human knowledge and learning. Lies drive politics, economies and the media. Why? Because the world is under the influence of the master of untruth who parades as an angel of light! There is only one Book that speaks absolute truth from cover to cover and it can only be properly understood with the aid of the Holy Spirit, it is of course the Bible. Christians must seek truth, believe truth, speak and live truth and become truth addicts. The only way to do this is to constantly read, study, digest and then live out God’s truth – His Word. Every church service, every act of kindness, every word of witness should be rooted in truth. Truth is like a gleaming knife that cuts through the layers of duplicity and treachery that the Satan builds; it exposes sin but at the same time offers pardon and liberty. What a piece of armour this belt is, unprecedented amongst men and heavenly in its beauty, its value and its application! As we take hold of it let us ask the Lord to show us where we have been influenced by lies, where the demands and values of our culture, our families, our peers, even our own mind has led us away from truth. Then let us buckle on the belt, keep it tight around the very centre of our beings and never take it off.


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