Psalm 18:33  
“He makes my feet like hind’s feet.”  
    There are a number of words translated deer in the Bible, it is likely that the most used refers to a Gazelle or perhaps a Roe Deer both of which were common in Palestine – and still are. In which case, this verse is talking about feet that are suitable for climbing, that can conquer summits and rocky places and a Mighty God who makes us sure-footed, agile and dexterous not only in scaling the heights but in moving quickly in difficult terrain. David had suffered from the pursuit of his enemies in rocky places but he had also known the exhilaration of being in the mountains with the Lord.  The Christian life is more than a journey, it is an adventure with God who lifts us up to the hills and allows us to scramble like sure-footed deer in places where danger lurks, but with Him we are always safe. 
David adds a further comment in this verse; “He causes me to stand on the heights.” “Oh, that’s nice,” we might think, “You get a lovely view if you are up high.” Hang on a minute, surely there’s more to it than just a lovely view.  In fact, there are three little gems at least hidden in this statement.
1.     It was believed, by the ancients, that the higher you climbed, the closer to God you became.  The Lord revealed Himself to Moses on the heights of Mount Sinai.  The Temple Mount was to become increasingly important in Jerusalem. “Who can ascend the hill of the Lord,” cried David. 
2.     It’s not surprising to learn that the pagan gods were often worshipped on the heights. The shrines and altars of Baal were usually in high places. Elijah of course confronted the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel. King Solomon worshipped Chemosh outside Jerusalem on what became known as the Hill of Corruption. The demon gods of Ashtoreth, Dagon, Marduk and others were all worshipped in elevated place, not least to symbolise their power over men. 
3.     The high places were also militarily significant with look-out towers and command posts and an army occupying high ground held a powerful advantage over the enemy.

To stand with God Almighty, on the heights, is to be close to Him and to claim advantage over adversaries. “You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains.”  We are privileged to rise above all other gods or demon powers that present themselves as gods. We are lifted above by God’s Spirit to lofty places where our senses are heightened, and our spiritual powers are Christ-like. There is no greater privilege for mankind and those who are chosen have an exceptional advantage over their fellow men.  Oh, the wonder of being on the heights with the Lord of Hosts. Blessed be Your name Oh Lord, lift me up, give me hinds feet, take me to the high places and let me stand before Your glory, the only true God, the Commander of heaven and earth. 


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