Psalm 18:30  
The way of the Lord
    This verse has echoes of the beginning of the Psalm. Firstly, it speaks of the perfect Way of the Lord. Are we talking here about “the way” in terms of a road or path or journey? Deuteronomy 32:4 tells us that, “He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just.” I think David is picking up this idea that what God does, His actions, His reactions, His thoughts, His commands, His purposes and His intentions – all of His ways are perfect. In other words, He is completely trustworthy and to seek Him and to obey His will is the only route to purity and perfection for ourselves. 
Just as God’s action are perfect, so is His Word. Psalm 12:6 reminds us that it is as though the words of God have been refined again and again until there are no flaws, no indiscernible flecks of contamination, everything that comes from the mouth of our Almighty God is pure. It is this holy, utterly trustworthy One that we acclaim as God, who we humbly obey, for who else is like Him? It is this God who shields all who take refuge in Him. He protects, guards and shelters those who flee from their enemies and who reach out to Him as their ultimate guardian. 
The term “safeguarding” is in common usage today and there are structures in place in society to safeguard children and the vulnerable from danger. The safeguarding provisions are not flawless, there is still abuse and sometimes the stipulations are overbearing. God’s safeguarding is absolute and righteous, no one who looks to Him is ignored and only the wicked, not the innocent, get punished. What a comfort to be a Christian and to be able to trust in God rather than the secular safeguarding of the state. The latter may have its place but we can say, “The Lord is our shield, He is our protector; of whom shall we be afraid?” Go out today and face, head on, whatever is before you and know this; the Lord God will shield you and guard you and you need not be afraid. 


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