Psalm 18:34f  
The sword of the Spirit
   Finally, we come to the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. God our Father has spoken and is speaking to our world in three major ways: -
       Firstly, through the genius and glory of all that He has made. “The heavens declare the glory of God.”          
       Secondly, by becoming a man in the flesh and living amongst us. Every word of Jesus is pure silver and as sweet as honey pouring from the heart of the Father. Jesus was the Word, He is the Word, He will always be the Word, the out-speaking of the Father’s heart. That is why there is so much spiritual power in just His name, He is the Word.
       The third declaration from God, to our world, is in written form – the Scriptures, the Word of truth is a compilation of words and symbols that fit the many human languages around the world. Every man and woman alive should have the freedom to own, read and digest the Scriptures, for here is God’s revelation in a form that we can own and study and take with us wherever we go. Hebrews 4:12 describes the Scriptures in the following terms; “The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirits, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” It is thrilling to know that this book of writings, ancient and yet so modern, contains the very Word of God and it is spiritually alive! This is the sword we wear as our principal weapon. A sword is wielded in defence and in attack and God’s Word acts in both capacities. As mankind builds more and more powerful weapons of destruction it is important that we realise that the potential of the written Word of God is greater than all of them. One word from the mouth of the Almighty is enough to change history forever. This is a potent weapon indeed. 


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