   “To the faithful you show yourself faithful …..”  The Hebrew word here for faithful is “Hesed” and it defies definition. It is all of the fruit of the Spirit rolled into one – and more! The Lord is love. The Lord is gracious. The Lord is compassionate. The Lord is merciful and forgiving. The Lord is kind and gentle. The Lord is patient and faithful. The word is often translated “loving kindness” but in truth, any virtue that we can apply to our Holy God will fit into the definition. And when God sees His qualities at work in His people He abounds in “Hesed” towards them. In other words, as the Holy Spirit works in our lives producing Christ-like fruit, so the Lord God responds in like manner and the process gathers pace and has no limit. Paul describes this as “becoming mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” You see, God can never be outdone, we can never be so loving that we are more loving than Him. Our patience can never outlast His. Our mercy is a poor reflection of His mercy. Therefore, as we produce these fruit in our own spiritual lives, so we become increasingly aware of the never-ending supply that exists in Him. You want to know God’s faithfulness? Be faithful.  You want to know God’s love? Be loving. You want to know more of God’s forgiveness? Then forgive. It is a journey that starts slowly but gathers pace and oh what wonders and contentment it brings. Jesus picks up on this in the Beatitudes, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” You see, the practice of “Hesed” produces ever increasing “Hesed”. God’s “Hesed” is a limitless reservoir that He allows us to dip into and the more we give out, the more He pours in. It’s time for a “Hesed Hallelujah!”


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