My support
      It is not clear what disaster David is referring to in this verse. It is hardly likely to be a natural disaster because he finds himself confronted by his enemies. Obviously, at one of the truly low points in his life, he felt that his power and authority, his wealth, his family, his health and his state of mind were all about to be lost for ever.  David could sink no lower, this was his nadir, he had failed and he was about to be ruined. BUT. BUT. BUT. “The Lord was my support!” Maybe it is only when we reach the end of ourselves that we find out just how strong and merciful God is. All of the dark experiences in my own life have brought me closer to Him and given me cause to trust Him in ways I could never have done if life had been an easy road. Even though we do not embrace the dark times, it is only then that we discover just how much we are loved and protected. God will always rescue His people. The greatest lesson of faith that we will ever learn in life is, absolute dependence on the Lord. When we reach the point where we can take whatever is thrown at us, good and bad, knowing that God is in control, then we have discovered the true meaning of faith. The Apostle Paul had learned this. Read Philippians 4:10-13.


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