A blast of breath
   This verse transports us back to the exodus and Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, described in Exodus 14.  The people took an unexpected route away from their captors, no doubt the Egyptians thought it ill-advised as the Israelites found themselves confronted by a vast area of swamp and water known as the Sea of Reeds or the Red Sea. It was insurmountable and their desperate plight intensified when the dust clouds from Pharaoh’s advancing army gathered on the horizon.   There was no escape. Why had Moses led them to this deadly place? They were ill prepared and helpless to fight back.  Somehow their leader remained calm, his words, recorded in Exodus 14:13, are remarkable and highlight the faith of godly Moses. “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Then, the Lord God Almighty stepped in! A powerful gale blew from the east, “the blast of breath from your nostrils”, it drove back the waters and dry land appeared. As you will know, the vast company of the Israelites walked through the valley of the Sea and once they were safely across, the Egyptian army, hot on their tails, were wiped out as the wind dropped, the waters swept back and the Sea was restored. One word of rebuke from the Lord and creation has to respond. We need to remember that for whilst the Satan may think he is prince of this world, creation has only one master, it is our God. Not only has He triumphed over sin and death and hell, but He also holds the keys to all life. All matter and the whole world is in His hands.  Who can stand against Him? What have we to fear? All it takes is a blast of breath from His nostrils and our enemies are defeated. Hallelujah!


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