Psalm 18:8  
Fire and smoke
  The imagery changes, and God is now described as a blistering, intensely powerful, all- consuming deity breathing fire and smoke. In Exodus 19 Moses assembled the Israelites before Mount Sinai, the people were consecrated and warned not to gather too close to the Mountain. On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, a thick cloud covered the peak. There was such a loud trumpet blast that everyone trembled and the people moved out of the camp to the foot of the Mountain to meet with God. Sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire. The smoke billowed up like smoke from a furnace and the whole Mountain shook violently. The trumpet blasts got louder and louder and Moses was summoned to go alone to the summit to speak with the Almighty One. Anyone present at that scene would never forget it, the details were handed down through generations, they would never doubt that their God was a holy God, a God whom you would not disobey or blaspheme without consequences! Let us not forget that this is the God who hears our cries from His throne room in Heaven, this is the God who cares for His people and who is deserving of all honour and praise. He will hear our prayers and He will answer them and He will protect us from the evil one. 


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