Psalm 18:7  
The earth quakes
     Here we have a description of an earthquake prompted by an angry God, a God who drives out enemies and who guides and guards His people.  Deborah’s Song in Judges 5 uses very similar terminology as she describes the Lord’s power on Mount Sinai which shook the mountain of Seir [Seir and Paran are mountains ranges in the Sinai wilderness region]. Edom is drawn into this scenario, a land in that same area that once was fertile and inhabited and belonged to Esau but was cursed and destroyed and remains a wilderness to this day.  [The only modern city in the area is Petra in Jordan.] So, David’s prayer and cry for help prompts action from heaven, for His God is One who acts, who overcomes enemies, who drives back tyrants and who devastates the land of the wicked. Here is a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of the prayers of the righteous and the power of the Word of God.  Paul and Silas prayed in their prison cell in Philippi and the next thing you know, the place is demolished by an earthquake. Nature trembles at the might and power of God even if human beings ignore Him. The heart-cries of the righteous are like signals sent up to a satellite that bounce back to earth with devastating effect. God is not a benevolent, kindly old gentleman; He is the sovereign Lord of the universe! It is a terrible thing to inflame the anger of this Holy God. 


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