Psalm 18:6  
The God who hears.
      Distress is an undervalued word, we speak of motorists in distress when it snows or an animal in distress when giving birth. The Bible never underplays the meaning of a word. In Deuteronomy 4:30 distress is used to describe the plight of the Jews who, having disobeyed God by following idols, are scattered to the four winds.  Only a remnant remains, and all their family and possessions and livelihoods are gone. Such is their distress that they cry out and the Lord hears from heaven.  The word describes the state of those who have lost everything, including hope. When, at last, they come to their senses, they cry from the depths of their beings, to God, for help. Such is the mercy and compassion of our wonderful, great God that He hears, He listens and because He is a compassionate God, He responds. What a vivid picture is painted here, the Lord Almighty on His throne, in His heavenly temple, listening for the cry of His forsaken, desperate children, and when they eventually remember to call out to Him, as their last resort, He hears and answers from heaven. And what an answer it is!!  The imagery that describes the actions of a God who is minded to come down to support His children is extremely powerful, it is unbelievable! What kind of God would act like this? Who is this God that is described from verse 7 to 15? I suspect that David is reliving events that took place when the Israelites were delivered from Egypt, he is recalling what happened on Mount Sinai and the experiences of Joshua and others are all mirrored here. This is a God who acts, a God of power and might and a God to be feared. This our God! Get ready to be blown away!


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