Psalm 18:5a  
Death is defeated
    Not only has the Lord Jesus changed all the rules about death but there is, of course, the probability that once again, King David, through the Holy Spirit, is allowing us to have a glimpse of the suffering that Christ Himself would undergo at Calvary. Doubtless, the insidious claws of death reached out to Him, wave after wave of destruction poured over his pain-wracked body and every bitter vestige of Sheol and the grave taunted His agonised mind. I have no doubt that all of the worst of death’s apparitions danced before Him so that He not only knew the deepest suffering of a man but the worst sufferings of all men as they approach the gates of the next world. BUT He never succumbed, death could not drag Him down, death could not hold Him, despite using all of its most devious and compelling powers, Jesus Christ just could not be lured into that place of darkness. He withstood the tentacles of finality, He braved the waves of torment, a spiritual tug of war rent His body but He would not give in. Finally, after 3 hours, death withdrew, the grave gave up on Him and He cried, “It is finished.” The war was over, Jesus had won and now He could hand over His Spirit to God the Father. This is the greatest war ever fought on earth with the most powerful weapons known to man.  It is relatively easy to cause the death of another, and that is the end result and the only result of all of man’s weapons.  However, it is humanly impossible to save others from death forever. Only Jesus won that right and the power to carry it out; Satan destroys, Jesus Christ saves. It was on Golgotha’s hill that the battle was won and you and I now live and will live to tell the tale! Hallelujah!


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