Psalm 18:17b  
He rescued me
    “He rescued me from my foes, who were too strong for me.” It is doubtful that the principal enemy spends time bothering about you and me but he has his henchmen, they are always alert, always on-call, always looking for weaknesses in our armour and always ready to shoot their nasty little arrows. We need to reflect on the strategies set out in verse 2 and be constantly alert and of sober mind, “For your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8. This conflict is world-wide says Peter, “because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” If you are suffering right now, depend on this, God is with you, God will protect you, God is not unaware of what is going on in your life. Unlike the devil, God is omnipresent, you have His personal attention and although circumstances may suggest otherwise, He will bring you through and you will live to celebrate the victory. I have been surrounded by the lions of bullying and physical abuse, I have sunk into the darkest depths of mental depression and breakdown, I have endured the fiery furnace of a divorce and suffered in the desert of financial hardship. All of these foes could have been too strong for me and at the time it seemed like they were. Today I live to rejoice in the victory of a God who brought me through each of these trials and although tested and scarred, I am not defeated.  In fact, I love and worship and trust in Him more than I would have done without those experiences. Hallelujah – again!!


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