Psalm 18:17a  
In God we trust
    Now we are back to the primary focus of these meditations – an understanding of the spiritual forces that war against us in this world, and the weapons and strategies that we are to employ against them. In this verse the simple answer is, there are none! Of course we must wear the armour of Ephesians 6, and we must be vigilant but we are not equipped to stand alone against our spiritual enemies. It is God Almighty who reaches down and rescues David from his powerful enemy. It is God who saves him from his foes who are too powerful for him. The “enemy” in this verse is singular and I have a suspicion that while David was embroiled in several conflicts against singular human enemies in his life, he also knew that there was a darker, more sinister enemy who tried to destroy him and his kingdom. 

You and I are not kings of a great nation, we are not in conflict with international forces or tyrants who command great armies. In worldly terms, the worst that can happen to us is trouble with the authorities, with a local bully or a controlling family member perhaps. We need to understand that David’s greatest enemy is intent on our destruction too. Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Satan, the Devil, call him what you will but he is too powerful for us, and his endless, twisted, devious schemes are constantly being updated to bring about our downfall. That is the battle and without Almighty God we would be instantly defeated with no hope of victory. At some time in our lives we may be thrown to the lions or tossed into a lion’s den and just like Daniel we will not perish for God is with us, God will rescue us, our Father will save us.  Hallelujah!


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