Psalm 18:13b  
Lightning strikes!
   What is it about thunder and lightning that the Lord God presents Himself, in power, through these phenomena? The scientific study of thunder and lightning is highly technical and it embraces terms like electrical discharges, colliding particles, negative and positive charged currents….. Perhaps a few facts would be helpful at this juncture: -
·      A lightning flash can heat the air around it to 5 times hotter than the sun’s surface.
·      A bolt of lightning can contain up to 1 billion volts of electricity.
·      A bolt can travel between a cloud and the earth at 200,000 mph.
·      When lightning approaches the earth a surge of positive electricity rises to meet it through a tree or a building, or a tall object. The flash streaks upward at some 200,000,000 mph!
·      The resulting electrical explosion within the cumulonimbus clouds, some of which reach heights of 12 miles, creates the thunderclap that causes so many to dive under cover and put their fingers in their ears!

Ancient peoples saw and heard these spectacles and trembled, this was the voice of the gods for they had no other explanation. David also sees the work of a God, the Lord God Almighty! The power and forces at work in a thunderstorm may be scientifically explained but there is still much that we do not understand, and certainly mankind has no ability to recreate the forces that are displayed. Why should we not, therefore, believe that creation’s displays of energy, be it in the sky or the sea or on the land, are signs of God’s majesty and His imperious power? We are being reminded of just who it is we are dealing with and that we would be foolish to resist Him. 


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