Psalm 18:3a  
Praise is for winners!
    There is another string to this particular bow because praise is part of the weaponry, given to us by the Lord, that will bring down our enemies. The Satan and his demons must flee from the sound of praising lips. How can they be influential when a heart is pouring out expressions of honour and glory to God and to His Holy Son Jesus? If God is in His right place, you can be sure the Satan is in the wrong place! You see, it is like a laboratory balance, the higher one side rises, the lower the other must fall. That is why we speak of Jesus being enthroned in our praise, He is lifted up. If we exalt the Lord, the Satan must diminish, the more He is diminished the more Jesus reigns! If we glorify evil and sin, the Lord withdraws His presence and sin reigns. Praise in the darkest of places will expel evil, as Paul and Silas found in the Philippian jail. When we praise, darkness will flee.  A church that praises will be a church full of glory. An individual who praises will enjoy victory over his enemies. What a weapon this is! Let us use it! Let this be the quality of character that defines who we are. Let us praise at all times; it doesn’t have to be loud, raucous singing in inappropriate places, praise is also an inner attitude of joy and wonder, and the reality of knowing that, whatever happens, the Lord is on His throne. He is on My Throne. 


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