Psalm 18:3  
Praise Him!
  Whichever of the previous scenarios fits our present situation we should be able to reflect that when we called upon the name of the Lord – He answered our prayer. The Lord who alone is worthy of praise.  Praise includes the songs and hymns of glory and exaltation that bubble from our souls, our minds and our lips and is not to be confused with worship which is our life, our attitude and the heart of our being. Praise can come from the lips of children who know nothing of worship, they praise because they are created to react to an external source of love and well-being. The further we push God away in our thinking, the more empty and pointless praise becomes. So, a praising child becomes an unbelieving, mute adult. Praise is an expression of a full heart and there is no one who is worthy of our praise like the Lord. David wrote songs, played music and sang because the Lord is worthy to be acclaimed and revered. Like him, we find that, from deep within, expressions of joy and wonder arise, our souls are stirred by His presence and by His works, we cannot keep quiet, our lips must express what is bubbling within our hearts. As life’s experiences come and go we become ever more conscious of the influence of the Lord; He saves us from our physical enemies and from our spiritual enemies. He alone can save us from sin, death and Satan and, having been saved, we must praise. Hallelujah!


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