Psalm 18:2  
The Lord will provide
    What was it that drove David to speak so passionately and cry, “I love You, Lord, my strength?” Well, in verse 2 he gives us a list of some of the benefits and blessings that God has provided; and each word is carefully chosen to reveal a different aspect of God’s provision. The Lord is my: -
1.     Strength                      God empowered him to fight and defeat his enemies          
2.     Rock                            A rocky area, a place of shelter and safety
3.     Fortress                       A fortified castle or battlement
4.     Deliverer                     A way of escape
5.     Rock of refuge            A huge, sheer cliff
6.     Shield                          A defender of head and heart
7.     Horn of my salvation  A powerful King, like a mighty ox
8.     My stronghold            A high tower of protection

As we consider these words it is tempting to glibly dismiss them.  Most of us have never been or never will be engaged in military conflict, nor will we be called upon to face a well-armed foe from whom we have to flee. However, we need to remember again that we are in a conflict far more threatening than the deployment of guns and bombs. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12. This passage is telling us that the valiant Christian who is prepared to fight in God’s Holy War faces a far more aggressive and militant enemy than the armies of Saul that threatened David! 


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