Psalm 17:8a  
The apple of Your eye
    The phrase, “keep me as the apple of your eye’ needs some explanation! In Scripture the apple is the eyeball or globe, which we know as the iris, with the pupil in the middle. It was deemed to be very precious and sensitive because the eyelid closes over it at the very slightest hint of danger. The Hebrew word is “ishon” thought to mean “little man” based on the idea that if you look closely into someone’s eyes you will see a reflection of yourself. God guarded Israel as the apple of His eye in Deuteronomy 32:10. In Proverbs 7:2 we are encouraged to guard God’s teachings as the apple of our eye. So, this beautiful metaphor sees David daring to assert that he may draw close enough to gaze into the eyes of God and see himself reflected!! Such is the intimacy and intensity of the relationship between this man and the Lord that the man knows He is the apple of God’s eye. Dare we believe this, that our Creator loves us so dearly that we are never out of His sight and we see ourselves reflected in Him?  Perhaps that is partly what the Scriptures mean when they speak of us being made in God’s image? The thought may be taken further if we believe, as Paul teaches in Romans, that we are in Christ Jesus who Himself is the very object of God’s love and affection. Imagine, we can spend this day knowing that we are reflected in the eye of our Creator and He never loses sight of us. Hallelujah!


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