Psalm 17:7 
  Show me       
 “Show me the wonders of Your great love.” It’s so easy to read that phrase without stopping to ask what it means. Many people peruse the Old Testament and conclude that God is a harsh, judgemental tyrant, but that is not how David sees Him. For David, God is a God with a heart, a God of intense compassion who has an emotional attachment to His people. He is a God who is interested in us, who is merciful and who cares about the infinite details of all our lives.
So, what are the wonders of His great love and how will He show these wonders? God’s kingdom is upside down, its values and its rules defy human logic.  God loves the unlovable, God reaches out to the lowest, the weakest, the rejected and the outcast.  God shows mercy to all, to the rich and the poor, to the weak and the strong.  There are no conditions, His love is not earned, it does not need to be vindicated and it makes no demands. God’s love is constant, undeserved and freely given and it is not just a theological concept, for all who have been loved by God, know and feel that love. It flows in from without, it reaches down to us and melts our hearts and we cannot explain it or describe it for it is intensely personal and powerful. God’s love is His Spirit operating within the sanctuary of our being and only a man or woman who has experienced the indwelling of God’s Spirit is entitled to ask; “My God, show me the wonders of your great love.” 
This great love reveals itself in many ways, as we have seen, and one of them is the way in which our Mighty God saves and protects those who take refuge in Him. There are countless occasions when, as His children, we find ourselves facing mounting opposition from the world around, sometimes from other Christians or even friends and family members. At these times we have to go humbly to the Lord and first examine ourselves to see if we are at fault. We have already discovered that this was David’s first line of action.  Having examined himself and being reassured that he has not deceived anyone, that his mouth has not transgressed, he has kept himself from the ways of the violent and his feet have not stumbled David may now, with a pure heart, seek justice and protection from the Lord. The first step in this process is always to examine our own hearts. Secondly, we must examine ourselves in the light of God’s truth.  If we find that we are guiltless then it is our right to take refuge in the Lord for we may expect Him to save us from our foes. 
This verse speaks of God who saves by His right hand. God's right hand in the Old Testament defeats enemies, it gave the Law, it saves, gives joy and pleasures, shields, teaches, upholds, acquires, plants, gives victory, does valiantly, provides shade, leads, embraces, and creates. In the New Testament it is repeated over and over and over that Jesus, after finishing the work of redemption sat down at the RIGHT HAND OF GOD. Jesus is at God's right hand and IS THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD! This is the wonderful truth, that when Satan and his emissaries stand against us, when the world seems to be about to crush us, when even our friends and fellow believers are against us; JESUS is at the right hand of God to save! We may flee into His presence and hide behind Him for He is our refuge and our protection. If God is for us, who can be against us? 


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